Only in December: recive Reny’s one on one craving-busting session by (any) donation.
You can donate whatever you feel like after our session.
Are you fed up with emotional eating?
I feel you so much! I’ve been extremely fed up with my emotional eating and being unable to release the excess body weight because of it.
It’s been a long and bumpy journey for me. I was shy to reach out for support, and when I did, these specialists didn’t seem to understand me.
From emotional trauma in childhood to being bullied in school and then feeling stuck with boring work, breaking my heart because of feeling “too fat,” and being extremely confused about diets, I felt all alone, desperately looking for emotional healing tools and a nutritional approach that would set me free from my emotional eating.
Sixteen years ago, I found the raw vegan lifestyle, which almost set me free. It was a huge breakthrough. I felt incomparably healthier, happier, and much more confident. And at the same time, there was still something missing.
First of all, there are many ways to follow the raw vegan lifestyle, and not all of them are healthy. And what makes it even more confusing is all the conflicting information about the raw vegan lifestyle online.
Even more importantly, I still needed emotional healing tools that would work with my busy schedule and give me noticeable and lasting freedom from all the emotions that were brewing inside of me and causing me to munch all day long on the most calorie-dense raw foods possible.
A few years ago, I finally found the key that unlocked my total freedom from emotional eating and allowed me to start living a low-fat, raw vegan lifestyle in a way that keeps me satisfied, nourished, and grounded.
Now, I only eat to fuel and nourish my body and soul. I always choose the healthiest and tastiest foods possible, eating when hungry and stopping when full.
It seems like a simple and obvious thing to do, but considering my huge struggles with food in the past, it’s almost unbelievable for me to have such freedom.
The biggest passion that makes me feel so free and jump out of bed at 4 am every morning, is to support beautiful and powerful souls like you so you can reach the freedom from emotional eating as I did.
I am excited to share with you the most powerful emotional healing tool I’ve learned so far, my knowledge as a plant-based Certified Holistic Nurtritionist, 16 years of experince as a raw vegan and 10 years of experience guiding others on this beautiful path to support you in all the ways I can.
Your success is my success, so you can be sure I will virtually hold your hand through the whole journey. If you are ready to embark on this exciting adventure with me and uncover the body of your dreams without struggling with cravings and emotional eating, book your session by donation, and we will take it from there.
On this session we are going to use Mind Shifting method to help you overcome unhealthy cravings or emotional eating patterns.
Mind Shifitng is not a psychoanalysis, NLP, EFT or hypnosis. It’s a quick and straightforward technique to help you activate your own resorses from subconscious mind to overcome cravings naturally and without struggle.
You are completely in control of the outcomes and the whole process. And it’s up to you how much and which kind of changes do you want to create in your life.
Normally, my 1:1 coaching costs $997 per month (4 weekly sessions).
And since I am in the process of getting my Mind Shifting certification at the moment, in Decebmer only, you can get a single session by donation. You can donate anything you feel it was worth after our session.
I have to warn you that occasionally, my daughter might interruprt our session for a little while. Ususally, we can simply have a little brake and continue working.
In this case we can’t get to the results you are happy with, I’ll give you another session for free to compensate or you can skip the donation.
Book your craving-busting session here

From my experience I can tell you that from a complete sceptic of this style of eating I turned into enthusiast and supporter. Digestion works like a clockwork, no more health issues, I released 28 pounds and I feel great!

“Reny and raw vegan food helped me to release 31 pounds very quickly and to keep it off for over 8 years. I overcame back pain, blood pressure issues, depression, and some other health challenges.”